Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Wednesday October 26th 2011
After a week of waiting the news about my graft finally came today. I thought mom was going to have a stroke waiting for the results. She couldn`t sit still all week long but today was especially bad. First this morning some lab work came back which didn`t show much promise but later on that evening the doctor came to tell mom and dad that the precentage of gabby`s cells in me increased from 22-29%. It isn`t much but it`s a start. The doctors were just glad that the numbers didn`t go down and so was I. Hopefully after some time the numbers will grow and grow and I`ll finally be able to go back to the IWK. I have to meet with another doctor on Frday so he can tell us a timeline...whatever that is supposed to mean, I just hope it`s good news.
Saturday October 22nd 2011
Happy Birthday Muma I Love You! Mommy and daddy are going out tonight to a hockey game. Daddy bought tickets to see the Monreal Canadiens play the Toronto Maple Leafs. I don`t know who is going to win but dad dresses me in a Montreal outfit all the time so I guess he is hoping for them. I don`t think mom really cares who wins as long as she gets some time outside, oh and gets some cake. Have fun mommy and daddy :)
Monday, 24 October 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
It's funny how news can change so fast. Today me, mommy, and daddy got some bad news. It turns out that the cells I got from my transplant didn`t work the way the doctors thought they would. Right now I only have 22% of Gabby`s cells when they thought I would have 100%. We are all so disappointed, especially mommy. The doctors thought this would be one of thier easiest transplants yet but like mommy always says, if anything bad is going to happen it will be to us. They took some more red stuff from me today to see if my counts increase or not but we have to wait a week for the results. If they don`t increase that means I will have to have another transplant. I really really hope I won`t need another one. To top of the day the nurse had to put the tube back in my nose because I`m not drinking enough milk. The doctors also had to increase my medicine in hopes that this will help with the cell counts. Today was not a good day :(
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Wednesday October 19th 2011
The doctors said I`m doing so great. They are very confident that my transplant was successful but we have to wait until tomorrow to know for sure. It is such a big day and I am so nervous. They gave us some really good news but its a surprise and mommy says I cant tell anyone. I'm still not eating very much, today was the worst day in a long time. Hopefully tomorrow I will drink a little more. Mommy says my cell counts are growing and growing. My neutrophils are at 1.0 and my lymphocytes are at 0.9. I'm just a cell making machine! The doctors decided I dont need to have red stuff taken from me every day. They can take it from me every second day now. I'm sure mommy and daddy wont be able to sleep all night because they will be so excited to hear some good news tomorrow!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Tuesday October 18th 2011
It`s official my counts are going up! They poked me this morning to get some red stuff instead of taking it from my tubes and it worked. My neutrophils are now 1.0 so that`s great news. Now we are just waiting for the news about the cells being mine or Gabby`s. I really really hope they are hers. Me, mommy and daddy could really use some good news right about now. Mommy and daddy need a pick me up because they have been feeling a little down lately. But now that my neutrophils are so high we don`t have to wear any more masks or gowns so thats the best news we got in a long time. Hopefully more good news to come...
Monday, 17 October 2011
Sunday October 16th 2011
Just when me, mommy and daddy were having fun with the no mask and gown thing my counts dropped. The doctors think it might just be a bad sample of my red stuff because it isn`t normal for my numbers to drop so low and so fast. They said they aren`t too worried and they will just check again in the morning. Mommy is now scared to death that I`m going to catch something so she put her mask back on and made daddy wear his too. I really hope my counts are back to normal again tomorrow. I had some lady come to see me who brought me some toys to play with. She said she wanted to see if I am doing all the things I should be for my age. I guess because I`ve been stuck in a room for so long I`m behind but she said not to worry because all the other babies in the hospital are the same way and once I am better I will catch up in no time. She also brought me a mat for the floor. This way I can have a much bigger place to play then just on mom or dads bed. Mommy cleaned it off 3 times and then put a blanket over it. No one is allowed on it unless they are sterilized by my mom. Actually no one is allowed in my room unless they are sterilized. I have this really nice man who comes to clean my room everyday. He sings me all kinds of songs in spanish and makes me laugh. He calls me his big boss and says I make him work because I watch everything he does but I`m just curious. Mom says I`m a people watcher just like her haha.
Friday October 14th 2011
Good news from the doctors today. My lymphocytes and neutrophils are hgh enough that mommy and daddy can take thier masks and gowns off. It`s been so long since I`ve seen thier faces. They were starting to look just like everybody else so I`m glad I can finally see them smile. Lets hope my counts stay up because I`m enjoying having my mom and dad back. I threw up again this morning. This is getting so old. This time daddy was with me and he was soaked. Hopefully soon I will want to eat again and keep everything down.
Thursday October 13th 2011
I threw up all my breakfast again this morning. The doctors don`t have a good reason why I`m getting sick but they think it`s just all that I`ve been through. The nurse had to put me back on an IV today because she had to take red stuff from me all day. The doctors want to test how much medicine I have in my red stuff to make sure it is working right. I still don`t drink enough milk but for some reason they stopped my tube feeds. It doesn`t really matter anyway becuse I pulled out my tube today haha. I was tired of that old thing it as annoying. The doctor decided to leave it out and we will see what happens.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Wednesday October 12 2011
I`m FREEEEEEE!!! No more IV fluid and no more tube feeds starting today. I still have my big IV in my chest and my tube in my nose but those are just incase I need them again. No way do I want to be hooked up to that again so hopefully I eat more and more so that won`t happen. The doctors say I`m doing great and took some red stuff today to see if Gabby`s magic is working. They said we will have to wait for a while before the results come back but that is no surprise because that is all we do anyway wait wait wait. My cells are slowly growing in numbers but they have a long way to go before I can get out of this place. Hopefully the doctors will let me go back to the IWK by Christmas if everything continues to go well. I`m starting to really like my cereal now too and I even try to feed it to myself sometimes but mommy says I make too much of a mess. Every once in a while she will let me have the spoon and I get to be a big boy. Mommy said she would buy me anything I want if I keep eating. She even said I could get a car. I think I could convince mom and dad to get me anything I want right about now haha...Suckers!!!
Tuesday October 11th 2011
No more IV medication for this kid. Today the doctor said it was time to take me off my IV medications and take them all by mouth. I am so pumped that I don`t have as much fluid going into me but not so pumped for the taste of all my new meds. EWWWWW!!! The nurses say I have to take my medicine at the same time everyday and with the same milk or it won`t work right. So far I only had it once but it tasted yucky. I`ll have to take the medicine for a long time so that the magic Gabby gave me will work. Woop woop...peace out Day 20!
Sunday October 9th 2011
Happy thanksgiving! Today I am thankful for my mommy and daddy, my nan and papa, my nanny and poppy, all my aunts, uncles and cousins. I am especially thankful for my cousin Gabby and the new magical bone marrow that she gave me. I am one lucky little boy. I am also thankful for all the people that have been helping me, my mom, and dad out over the last five months. I love everybody!
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Tuesday October 4th 2011
Daddy bought me and mommy a present today. It was a digital picture frame and filled it up with all kinds of pictures of me. All the nurses stand there and oohhh and ahhhh over me. I`m such a cutie. I`ve been having a little trouble eating lately and I`ve been throwing up what little food I do eat. The doctors keep saying it will get better but for now they have to keep the tube in my nose, it is so annoying. Mommy also tells me I`m losing my hair. Every time I move my head I get hair in my eyes then when I rub them I get my hands on my tube. I almost got it out a few times but mommy and daddy keep catching me pulling on it. The doctor told mom and dad my cells are starting to come back but they aren`t sure if they are my cells or Gabby`s. Eventually they will be able to test the cells to see who`s they are. I really hope my cousins magic works.
Saturday October 1st 2011
Happy Birthday Nan! Sorry me mommy and daddy can`t be there to celebrate with you but I`m kinda stuck in this hospital room for a while. Maybe next year we will get to spend your birthday together and eat lots of cake. You`ll have to make me my own cake though because I can`t eat anything already made from a store or share anything with anyone. I have lots of rules now about what I can and can`t do. Oh and mommy told me to tell you you`ll have to get rid of the carpet in your basement because I can`t be near that either. Your doggie will have to go somewhere for a vacation while I`m visiting too cuz no pets for me. Make sure there is no plants around either oh and I can only eat from sterile dishes and sterile food. GEEZ sorry for all the rules but that is just the begining.
Friday September 30th 2011
Day 9 and not too much has changed. I got more IVIG today, the same as every other Friday. I still am not enjoying my milk. Mommy tries her best to feed me all the time but I`m just not that interested. I usually drink a few onces and that`s enough to keep me satisfied for a while. This lady comes to see me everyday and tells mommy that I am getting enough nutrition but I don`t think mommy is so convinced. She says if I was getting enough then I`d be gaining more weight and not just fluid weight but it`s so hard to tell what weight is good and what is bad. Mommy feeds me that cereal stuff every morning too but it doesn`t taste the greatest. I just like to spit it out and get it all over my face because it makes mommy and daddy laugh. They are so easily amused.
Tuesday September 27th 2011
The nurse told mommy and daddy that I would be getting some more red stuff today. I guess I don`t have enough in my body because all my cells are dieing from the chemo. I don`t really mind getting the red stuff it just takes a long time and it means more picking at me by the nurses. I just don`t like when they put that tight thing on my arm because it sqeezes me really tight. Mommy and daddy made some new friends today too. They have a little boy just like me only he`s a bit older then I am. He has to get a transplant too. Mommy and daddy were so excited to meet them because they speak english and can finally share stories about the two of us. We are both one in a I guess we`re two in two million now.
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