Saturday, 8 September 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A lot can happen in a month. Mommy, daddy and I moved in with nanny and poppy for a little bit until our new apartment is ready. It sure was a busy time trying to get out of the old apartment. Uncle Aaron came over one day to help daddy take all the heavy stuff and put it into a truck, I helped a little too by throwing my toys out of the way of their feet! Mommy was really busy with packing everything up with her friends Crystal and Nicole. Daddy's friends Jaccob and Nathan helped him and uncle Aaron put all the stuff into a storage place! After all of that hard work it still wasn't done yet. Daddy had another friend, Jason, come over to help him move some things and then nanny and poppy came over too. Finally everything was done and then I spent the night with nanny and poppy because mommy and daddy had to go to a wedding in Cape Breton. Nanny and poppy's place sure does look different with all that carpet gone! They were busy laying hardwood floors upstairs so I could have a carpet free environment to live in for a bit. My visits to the doctor's don't seem to happen as often. Mommy and daddy keep saying the word "vaccines" when they talk about our next appointment so I think something scary is going to happen but I'm not worried! I think my immune system really works great now! Oh, guess what? I know how to use my legs to get me around now! It took a lot of courage for me to let go of the furniture and move but I did it! It's a lot funner to get around this way. I don't know if its any quicker than crawling but it makes me look like a bigger boy! I sure do miss all my toys though, pots, pans and tupperware can only keep a person busy for so long! I really can't wait for my baby sister to get here, at least then I will always have someone to play with! Well that's all for now. We will talk again soon!