Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Wednesday, August 10th 2011

Well, mommy has been busy wishing, praying, hoping and dreamimg for a miracle. Everyday she wakes up thinking today will be the day the doctor will give us some good news. She tells me we aren't that lucky and of course no miracle has happened yet. Mommy is waiting patiently to hear from the doctor about a bone marrow match. Two of my cousins have been tested and I'm feeling pretty positive about the results. Fingers crossed everyone. I am feeling pretty good though. I finally have no tubes at all except for an IV of antibodies I have to get every 2 weeks. I haven't been poked with the big needle in a while either because my lymphocyte count is too high. The higher it goes the more chemo I'm going to have to get and I don't want that at all because it will make me sick. Mommy says I am the talk of the hospital and everyone everywhere is talking about me. Sometimes she tells me stories about hearing people in the hallways talking about me and they have never even met me, mommy or daddy. Mommy said she always knew I'd be a popular guy. I'm growing so big now I'm almost 10lbs. Mommy and daddy are going to celebrate when I hit the 10lb mark. Too bad I won't get to have a party but mom said on my first birthday I'm going to have the biggest and best party Cape Breton has ever seen. I've been working so hard with my physiotherapy that I can sit up in my bumbo chair with no help at all. I'm trying my best to lift my head when I'm on my belly but I'm not quite there yet. I had some visitors on the weekend. I got to see my cousins...they were making faces at me through the window. They are so silly. I didn't even know what they were at first because I'm not used to seeing people without masks on. Mommy says they all love me so much. I just can't wait to get lots of hugs and kisses from them.

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