Thursday, 1 September 2011

Thursday September 1st 2011

I had quite the busy day today and I`m sure it isn`t going to be the last for a very long time. I woke up to more people in white coats taking red stuff from my foot. I thought that was over but I guess here in Montreal they have to do that too. After I ate my breakfast the nurse came to tell mommy and daddy I had to get some scans done and they might have to make me sleepy if I don`t cooperate. I plan on being a good boy because I dont like the idea of going to sleep with medication. The nurse had to put a big pokey thing in my arm then taped me all down with a board. She said it would only be in for the day but I still have it in now. Once she poked me then she said she might leave it in until I get my line for my chemo. Ughhh I wish they would stop poking. After the poke I went on an adventure outside of my room. Mommy tucked me in a blanket and put this funny thing over my face that everyone wears when they come to see me. Mom stayed while they put me in this big round machine and put stuff in my veins to take a picture of my lungs. I was so good they gave me some apple jelly MmMMm. After that they took me in another room where some man put cold gell all over my belly so he could take pictures of my insides. After all that I got to eat my lunch then got more red stuff taken but this time no poke. It came right out of the tube thats in my arm. The doctor then came and asked mommy and daddy`s permision to take some bone marrow from me as a back up just incase my transplant doesn`t work. Then they can put it back into me and send me to L.A. for gene therapy. I really really hope it works the first time. Another doctor came in after that and poked around at me. She was the 4th person today to look at my bum. Man my bum must be some cute. She gave me a new medication that tastes yummy. More tests in store for tomorrow and more doctors to see. Ohhh Joy!

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